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The Seventh Taste 

Greater Than the Yum of Its Parts

In 2011 Whit set out to learn how to cook some of the basic things he consumed every day- from ketchup to hot sauce, beer to cheese, spice rubs to pizza dough. All of these things can be bought quickly and cheaply at the grocery store, but he wanted to understand what went into them and how their flavors could be manipulated or his favorite brands recreated or improved.  


After years of eating chemically flavored microwaveable popcorn, he tried his hand at the homemade kind and was astounded by the difference in taste. It wasn't soon after that he figured out a kettle corn recipe he couldn't stop eating. That seemed dangerous enough, but one weekend he woke up to the familiar smell of bacon and, you know what happened then, Bacon Kettle Corn was born!


That might have been enough to satisfy some culinary bloodhounds, but not Whit.  Why stop at the most delicious popcorn ever had?  Why not top it?  Thus began a quest to push the limits of delcious.


So, what exactly is The Seventh Taste?


Six basic tastes have been identified that serve as building blocks of flavor: sweetness, sourness, bitterness, saltiness, fattiness, and umami. The products that we create are the result of unique ingredient combinations, resulting in a new experience: The Seventh Taste

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